Rule 1
Select the product you want to purchase, add it to your cart, and follow the steps to complete your order for the personalized item(s).
Rule 2
If you have specific requirements or need changes to a product, contact our customer service. We’ll respond promptly to assist you.
Rule 3
Our products are delivered exclusively on campus.
There will be two slots to pick up orders: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:40 AM to 12:40 PM.
Rule 4
Items left in your cart are not considered valid orders. You must complete all steps to confirm your request.
Rule 5
Payment for your order is made in cash or by check upon delivery.
Rule 6
For any issues with the site, feel free to contact the webmaster at any time.
Rule 7
The shopping cart has a time limit. Products left in the cart may not remain there indefinitely.